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# Slang
<!-- <font size=0>(June, 30 12:04 AM draft)</font> -->
### Example code
<!-- TODO: Slang syntax highlighting -->
# this is a comment
#| and that is a
multiline one. |#
const u32 n = 123123 # n: const u32 (unsigned 32 bit)
const i64 m = 10**18 # m: const i64 (signed 64 bit)
const int z = 2**128 # z: const int (signed unsized)
const auto q = 2**256 # q: const int (signed unsized)
char f(str x) { # f(): char, x: str
auto c = x[1] # c: char
return c # char
auto g(str x) { # g(): char, x: str
return x[0] # char
int h(int x) = x+1 # h(): int, x: int
main {
stdio.println(h(n), \ # comments allowed here too
f('123asd') + g('32') + 1) #--> «123124 f»
stdio.println(q/z/2**96) #--> «4294967296.0»
## Tokens
* [Keywords](#Keywords)
* [Identifiers](#Identifiers)
* [Literals](#Literals)
* [Operators](#Operators)
* [Specials](#Specials)
#### Token resolution order
1. Special
2. Operator
3. Literal
4. Keyword
5. Identifier
## Syntax structures
_Note: `*` after syntax unit means any number of them._
### Abstract
* `{[<\n | ;>]* <<expr> <\n | ;>>* [<\n | ;>]*}` — `code`
* `<<expr> | <code>>` — `block`
### Primitive
* `<<funccall> | <itemget> | <attrget> | <identifier> | <lambda> | <literal>>` — `value`
* `<(<expr>) | <value> | <operator> <expr> | <expr> <operator> <expr>>` — `expr` (`f(x+3)` is an instance of `expr`, also `f`, `x+3` and `x` are `expr`s too)
### Non-final
* `[modifier]* <type>` — `typedef` (left-hand type definition)
* `[typedef] <identifier> [? | + | * | ** | =<expr>]` — `argdef` (argument definition)
> `?` — if present then argument value, `none` else.<br>
> `+` — tuple with at least one argument.<br>
> `*` — tuple with any number of arguments.<br>
> `**` — object with keyword arguments.<br>
> `=` — default value if argument not specified.
* `([<argdef>[, <argdef>]*]) -> <typedef> = <expr>` — `lambda` (lambda function)
* `<<expr>[, <expr>]*[, *<expr>] | *<expr>>` — `callargs`
* `<<identifier> =|: <expr>[, <identifier> =|: <expr>]*[, **<expr>] | **<expr>>` — `callkwargs`
* `<value>\[<expr>\]` — `itemget`
* `<value>.<identifier>` — `attrget`
### Final (ordered by resolution order)
* `<typedef> <identifier>([<argdef>[, <argdef>]*]) <<code> | = <expr>>` — `funcdef` (function definition)
* `<exprkeyword> [expr]` — `keywordexpr` (keyword expression)
* `<typedef> <identifier> [= <expr>]` — `vardef` (variable definition)
* `<identifier> = <expr>` — `assignment`
* `<identifier>[, <identifier>]* = <expr>` — `unpackassignment`
* `<value>([<callargs> | <callkwargs> | <callargs>, <callkwargs>])` — `funccall` (function call)
* `<expr>` — expr evaluation (only in REPL)
* `if (<expr>) <block>` — `conditional`
* `for (<identifier> in <expr>) <block>` — `forloop`
* `while (<expr>) <block>` — `whileloop`
* `else <block>` — `elseclause`
## Keywords
* `return [expr]` — return from function
### Modifiers
* `const` — immutable/constant variable
### Reserved keywords
* `def`
* `try`
* `catch`
* `except`
* `finally`
* `raise`
* `with`
* `yield`
* `include`
* `using`
* `default`
## Identifiers
Non-empty sequence of alphanumeric characters plus underscore («_»), not starting with a digit character.
Regex: `[^\W\d][\w]*`
### Data types
* `i8`, `i16`, `i32`, `i64`, `i128` — fixed size integer
* `u8`, `u16`, `u32`, `u64`, `u128` — fixed size unsigned integer
* `f8`, `f16`, `f32`, `f64`, `f128` — fixed size IEEE-754 floating point number
* `uf8`, `uf16`, `uf32`, `uf64`, `uf128` — fixed size unsigned floating point number
* `c8`, `c16`, `c32`, `c64`, `c128` — fixed size complex number
* `uc8`, `uc16`, `uc32`, `uc64`, `uc128` — fixed size unsigned complex number
* `int` — unsized («big») integer
* `uint` — unsized unsigned integer
* `float` — unsized floating point number
* `ufloat` — unsized unsigned floating point
* `complex` — unsized complex number
* `ucomplex` — unsized unsigned complex number
* `bool` — logical (boolean) value
* `byte` — single byte
* `char` — UTF-8 character
* `str` — UTF-8 string
* `void` — nothing (or anything...)
* `auto` — compile-time type deduction based on value
## Literals
_Note: `*` after syntax unit here means any number of them, `+` means at least one._
* `<<0<b | o | x>><digit+> | <digit+>.<digit*> | <digit*>.<digit+>>` — number
* `<"<character*>" | '<character*>'>` — string
### Literal structures
* `[ <value>[, <value>]* ]` — list
* `( [type] <value>[, [type] <value>]* )` — tuple
* `{ <<key>: <value>>* }` — map
## Operators
* `<operator> <operand>` — unary operators usage
* `<operand> <operator> <operand>` — binary operators usage
* `<operand> <operator>= <operand>` — in-place operator usage
### Character operators
A set of pre-defined character operators:
* `!+-~` — unary charset
* `%&*+-/<=>^|` — binary charset
* `==`, `**`, `//`, `<<`, `>>` — double-char binary operators
### Keyword operators
A set of pre-defined keyword operators:
* `not` — unary keyword operator
* `and`, `or`, `xor`, `is`, `is not`, `to` — binary keyword operators
## Specials
* `#`, `#|`, `|#` — comment specials
* `;` — expr separator special
* `->`, `@.`, `@`, `.`, `:` — attrget optype specials
* `[`, `]` — itemget specials
* `\,?=(){}` — other specials charset
# Footnotes
All character class checks are performed in current locale.
_by Sdore, 2021-22_<br>