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2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
# Slang REPL
import readline
from .ast import *
from .lexer import *
from utils.nolog import *
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
def get_node_value(node, ns):
while (isinstance(node, ASTNode)):
node = execute_node(node, ns)
if (isiterablenostr(node)):
try: node = type(node)(get_node_value(i, ns) for i in node)
except Exception: pass
return node
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
def execute_node(node: ASTCodeNode, ns):
r = None
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
for i in node.nodes:
if (isinstance(i, ASTElseClauseNode) and r is not None): continue
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
r = execute_node(i, ns)
if (ns.flags.interactive and r not in (None, ...)):
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
ns.values['_'] = r
return r
def execute_node(node: ASTVardefNode, ns):
if (node.value is not None): ns.values[] = get_node_value(node.value, ns)
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
def execute_node(node: ASTBlockNode, ns):
return execute_node(node.code, ns)
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
def execute_node(node: ASTFuncdefNode, ns):
ns.values[] = node
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
def execute_node(node: ASTAssignmentNode, ns):
ns.values[] = execute_node(ASTBinaryExprNode(, node.inplace_operator, node.value, lineno=node.value.lineno, offset=node.value.offset), ns) if (node.inplace_operator is not None) else get_node_value(node.value, ns)
def execute_node(node: ASTUnaryOperationNode, ns):
def _op(): execute_node(ASTAssignmentNode(, node.isattr, ASTSpecialNode('=', lineno=node.unary_operator.lineno, offset=node.unary_operator.offset), ASTOperatorNode(node.unary_operator.operator[0], lineno=node.unary_operator.lineno, offset=node.unary_operator.offset), ASTLiteralNode(1 if (node.unary_operator.operator[0] in '+-') else get_node_value(, ns), lineno=node.unary_operator.lineno, offset=node.unary_operator.offset), lineno=node.lineno, offset=node.offset), ns)
if (isinstance(node, ASTUnaryPreOperationNode)): _op()
res = ns.values[]
if (isinstance(node, ASTUnaryPostOperationNode)): _op()
return res
def execute_node(node: ASTItemgetNode, ns):
return get_node_value(node.value, ns)[get_node_value(node.key, ns)]
def execute_node(node: ASTAttrgetNode, ns):
if (node.optype.special == '.'):
if (isinstance(node.value.value, ASTIdentifierNode) and node.value.value.identifier == 'stdio'):
if (node.attr.identifier == 'println'): return stdlib.stdio.println
elif (node.attr.identifier == 'map'): return stdlib._map
elif (node.attr.identifier == 'each'): return stdlib._each
raise NotImplementedError(node)
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
def execute_node(node: ASTFunccallNode, ns):
func = execute_node(node.callable, ns)
if (isinstance(func, type) and issubclass(func, stdlib.Builtin)):
if (func is stdlib.stdio.println): f = print
elif (func is stdlib._map): f = lambda l: [execute_node(ASTFunccallNode(node.callable.value.value, ASTCallargsNode([i], [], lineno=node.callargs.lineno, offset=node.callargs.offset), ASTCallkwargsNode([], [], lineno=node.callkwargs.lineno, offset=node.callkwargs.offset), lineno=node.callable.lineno, offset=node.callable.offset), ns) for i in l]
elif (func is stdlib._each): f = lambda _: [execute_node(ASTFunccallNode(node.callargs.callargs[0].value, ASTCallargsNode([i], [], lineno=node.callargs.lineno, offset=node.callargs.offset), ASTCallkwargsNode([], [], lineno=node.callkwargs.lineno, offset=node.callkwargs.offset), lineno=node.callable.lineno, offset=node.callable.offset), ns) for i in get_node_value(node.callable.value.value, ns)]
else: raise NotImplementedError(func)
callarguments =, ns)
assert (func.compatible_call(callarguments, ns) is not None)
return f(*(get_node_value(i, ns) for i in node.callargs.callargs),
*(get_node_value(j, ns) for i in node.callargs.starargs for j in get_node_value(i, ns)))
code_ns = ns.derive(str(node.callable), append=False)
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
for ii, i in enumerate(node.callargs.callargs):
code_ns.values[func.argdefs[ii].name] = get_node_value(i, ns)
return execute_node(func.code, code_ns)
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
def execute_node(node: ASTValueNode, ns):
return execute_node(node.value, ns)
def execute_node(node: ASTIdentifierNode, ns):
if (ns.values.get(node) is None): raise SlValidationError(f"{node} is not initialized", node, scope=ns.scope)
return ns.values[node]
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
def execute_node(node: ASTLiteralNode, ns):
if (isinstance(node.literal, str)):
try: return eval(node.literal)
except Exception as ex: raise SlReplError(ex, node, scope=ns.scope)
else: return node.literal
def execute_node(node: ASTListNode, ns):
return list(node.values)
def execute_node(node: ASTTupleNode, ns):
return tuple(node.values)
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
def execute_node(node: ASTKeywordExprNode, ns):
if (node.keyword.keyword == 'return'): return execute_node(node.value, ns)
elif (node.keyword.keyword == 'delete'): ns.delete(node.value)
else: raise NotImplementedError(node.keyword)
def execute_node(node: ASTKeywordDefNode, ns):
if (node.keyword.keyword == 'main'):
execute_node(node.code, ns)
def execute_node(node: ASTConditionalNode, ns):
if (execute_node(node.condition, ns)):
execute_node(node.code, ns)
else: return
return ...
def execute_node(node: ASTForLoopNode, ns):
ns.define(,, ns).valtype)
for i in execute_node(node.iterable, ns):
ns.values[] = get_node_value(i, ns)
execute_node(node.code, ns)
else: return
return ...
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
def execute_node(node: ASTWhileLoopNode, ns):
while (get_node_value(execute_node(node.condition, ns), ns)):
execute_node(node.code, ns)
else: return
return ...
def execute_node(node: ASTElseClauseNode, ns):
execute_node(node.code, ns)
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
def execute_node(node: ASTUnaryExprNode, ns):
value = get_node_value(node.value, ns)
try: return eval(f"{node.operator.operator} value")
except Exception as ex: raise SlReplError(ex, node, scope=ns.scope)
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
def execute_node(node: ASTBinaryExprNode, ns):
lvalue = get_node_value(node.lvalue, ns)
rvalue = get_node_value(node.rvalue, ns)
if (node.operator.operator == 'xor'):
try: return eval("(lvalue and not rvalue) or (rvalue and not lvalue)")
except Exception as ex: raise SlReplError(ex, node, scope=ns.scope)
elif (node.operator.operator == 'to'):
try: return range(lvalue, rvalue)
except Exception as ex: raise SlReplError(ex, node, scope=ns.scope)
try: return eval(f"lvalue {node.operator.operator} rvalue")
except Exception as ex: raise SlReplError(ex, node, scope=ns.scope)
class Completer:
def __init__(self, namespace):
self.namespace = namespace
def complete(self, text, state):
if (state == 0):
if ('.' in text): self.matches = self.attr_matches(text)
else: self.matches = self.global_matches(text)
try: return self.matches[state]
except IndexError: return None
def _callable_postfix(self, val, word):
if (isinstance(val, ASTCallableNode)): word += '('
return word
def global_matches(self, text):
matches = list()
seen = set()
n = len(text)
for word in keywords:
if (word[:n] != text): continue
matches.append(word+' ')
for word, val in self.namespace.values.items():
if (word[:n] != text or word in seen): continue
matches.append(self._callable_postfix(val, word))
return matches
def attr_matches(self, text):
m = re.match(r"(\w+(\.\w+)*)\.(\w*)", text)
if (m is None): return ()
expr, attr =, 3)
try: obj = self.namespace.values[expr] # TODO FIXME
except KeyError: return ()
words = set() # TODO FIXME attrs
matches = list()
n = len(attr)
if (attr == ''): noprefix = '_'
elif (attr == '_'): noprefix = '__'
else: noprefix = None
while (True):
for word in words:
if (word[:n] != attr or (noprefix and word[:n+1] == noprefix)): continue
match = f"{expr}.{word}"
try: val = getattr(obj, word)
except Exception: pass # Include even if attribute not set
else: match = self._callable_postfix(val, match)
if (matches or not noprefix): break
if (noprefix == '_'): noprefix = '__'
else: noprefix = None
return matches
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
class SlReplError(SlNodeException):
ex: ...
def __init__(self, ex, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.ex = ex
def __exline__(self):
return "Repl error"
def __exsubline__(self):
return f"\n\033[1;91mException\033[0m:\n "+'\n '.join(traceback.format_exception_only(type(self.ex), self.ex))
def repl(*, optimize=0):
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
ns = Namespace('<repl>')
ns.define(ASTIdentifierNode('_', lineno=None, offset=None), stdlib.Any)
ns.flags.interactive = True
completer = Completer(ns)
histfile = os.path.expanduser('~/.sli_history')
try: readline.read_history_file(histfile)
except FileNotFoundError: pass
for i in (
'set colored-completion-prefix on',
'set enable-bracketed-paste on',
#'set horizontal-scroll-mode on',
'set skip-completed-text on',
'tab: complete',
): readline.parse_and_bind(i)
#readline.set_completion_display_matches_hook(completer.display) # TODO
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
l = list()
tl = list()
while (True):
l.append(input(f"\1\033[1;93m\2{'...' if (tl) else '>>>'}\1\033[0m\2 "))
tll = parse_string(l[-1], lnooff=len(l)-1)
if (not tll): l.pop(); continue
tl += tll
if (tl[-1][-1].token == '\\'): continue
#if (len(tl) >= 2 and tl[-2][-1].token == '\\'): tl[-1] = tl[-2][:-1]+tl.pop() # TODO FIXME?: [['a', '+', '\\'], 'b'] --> [['a', '+', 'b']]
if (tl[0][-1].token == '{' and tl[-1][-1].token != '}'): continue
ast = build_ast(tl, interactive=True)
if (optimize): optimize_ast(ast, validate_ast(ast), optimize)
validate_ast(ast, ns)
execute_node(ast.code, ns)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
buf = readline.get_line_buffer()
print(f"\r\033[2m^C{'> '+buf if (buf) else ' '}\033[0m")
except EOFError:
except (SlSyntaxException, SlNodeException) as ex:
if (not ex.srclines): ex.srclines = l
finally: readline.write_history_file(histfile)
def run_file(file, *, optimize=0):
src =
tl = parse_string(src)
ast = build_ast(tl,'""'))
if (optimize): optimize_ast(ast, validate_ast(ast), optimize)
ns = validate_ast(ast)
execute_node(ast.code, ns)
except (SlSyntaxException, SlNodeException) as ex:
if (not ex.srclines): ex.srclines = src.split('\n')
@aparg('file', metavar='', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('r'))
@aparg('-O', metavar='level', help='Code optimization level', type=int, default=DEFAULT_OLEVEL)
def main(cargs):
if (cargs.file is not None): run_file(cargs.file, optimize=cargs.O)
else: repl(optimize=cargs.O)
if (__name__ == '__main__'): main(nolog=True)
# by Sdore, 2020