#!/usr/bin/python3 # Slang Pyssembly compiler target import pyssembly from . import std from .. import * from ...ast import * from utils import * class Instrs: unopmap = { '+': 'POS', '-': 'NEG', '!': 'NOT', '~': 'INV', 'not': 'NOT', } binopmap = { '+': 'ADD', '-': 'SUB', '*': 'MUL', '/': 'DIV', '//': 'IDIV', '%': 'MOD', '**': 'POW', '<<': 'LSHIFT', '>>': 'RSHIFT', '&': 'AND', '|': 'OR', '^': 'XOR', 'and': 'AND', 'or': 'OR', } _self_argdef = ASTArgdefNode(Class, ASTIdentifierNode('', lineno=None, offset=None), None, None, lineno=None, offset=None) def _class_init(self, *args, **kwargs): getattr(self, '')() getattr(self, f"")(*args, **kwargs) _class_init = code_with(_class_init.__code__, co_name='') @init_defaults def __init__(self, *, name, ns, filename, argdefs=(), lastnodens: lambda: [None, None], firstlineno=0): self.name, self.ns, self.filename, self.lastnodens, self.firstlineno = name, ns, filename, lastnodens, firstlineno self.instrs = list() self.consts = list() self.argnames = list() for i in argdefs: if (i.modifier is not None): raise NotImplementedError("argument modifiers are not supported yet") self.argnames.append(i.name.identifier) self.cellvars = self.argnames.copy() self.srclnotab = list() self.lastln = self.firstlineno self._class_init = code_with(self._class_init, co_filename=self.filename, co_consts=tuple(code_with(i, co_filename=self.filename) if (isinstance(i, CodeType)) else i for i in self._class_init.co_consts)) def compile(self): return pyssembly.Code('\n'.join(self.instrs), name=self.name, filename=self.filename.strip('"'), srclnotab=self.srclnotab, firstlineno=self.firstlineno, consts=self.consts, argnames=self.argnames) @dispatch def add(self, x: ASTRootNode): self.add(x.code) @dispatch def add(self, x: ASTCodeNode): for ii, i in enumerate(x.nodes): assert (i.lineno >= self.lastln) if (i.lineno != self.lastln): self.instrs.append(f"#line {i.lineno}") self.lastln = i.lineno self.lastnodens[0] = i self.add(i) @dispatch def add(self, x: ASTValueNode): self.add(x.value) @dispatch def add(self, x: ASTVardefNode): typesig = Signature.build(x.type, self.ns) if (x.value is not None): self.load(x.value) self.store(x.name) elif (isinstance(typesig, Class)): self.instrs += [ "LOAD (object)", "GETATTR (__new__)", ] self.load(x.type.type) self.instrs += [ "CALL 1", "DUP", "GETATTR <>", "CALL", "POP", ] self.store(x.name) @dispatch def add(self, x: ASTAssignmentNode): if (x.inplace_operator is not None): self.instrs.append(f"LOAD ({x.name})") self.load(x.value) if (x.inplace_operator is not None): self.instrs.append(f"IP{self.binopmap[x.inplace_operator.operator]}") if (x.isattr): self.instrs += [ "LOAD $", f"SETATTR ({x.name})", ] else: self.store(x.name) @dispatch def add(self, x: ASTUnpackAssignmentNode): assert (x.inplace_operator is None) # TODO self.load(x.value) self.instrs.append(f"UNPACK {len(x.names)}") for name in x.names: self.store(name) @dispatch def add(self, x: ASTAttrsetNode): assert (x.assignment.isattr) if (x.assignment.inplace_operator is not None): self.load(x.value) self.instrs += [ "DUP", "GETATTR ({x.assignment.name})", ] self.load(x.assignment.value) self.instrs += [ f"IP{self.binopmap[x.assignment.inplace_operator.operator]}", "ROT", ] else: self.load(x.assignment.value) self.load(x.value) self.instrs.append(f"SETATTR ({x.assignment.name})") @dispatch def add(self, x: ASTFunccallNode): self.load(x) self.instrs.append("POP") @dispatch def add(self, x: ASTBlockNode): self.add(x.code) @dispatch def add(self, x: ASTFuncdefNode): code_ns = self.ns.derive(x.name.identifier) name = f"{x.name.identifier}({CallArguments(args=x.argdefs, ns=code_ns)})" self.lastnodens[1] = code_ns fname = f"{self.name}.<{x.__fsig__()}>" f_instrs = Instrs(name=fname, ns=code_ns, filename=self.filename, argdefs=x.argdefs, lastnodens=self.lastnodens, firstlineno=x.lineno) f_instrs.add(x.code) #dlog(f"{fname} instrs:\n"+'\n'.join(f_instrs.instrs)+'\n') self.consts.append(f_instrs.compile().to_code()) self.lastnodens[1] = self.ns self.instrs += [ f"LOAD {len(self.consts)-1}", f"LOAD ('{fname}')", "MKFUNC 0", # TODO: flags ] self.store(name) @dispatch def add(self, x: ASTClassdefNode): code_ns = self.ns.derive(x.name.identifier) name = x.name.identifier self.lastnodens[1] = code_ns cname = str(name) c_instrs = Instrs(name=cname, ns=code_ns, filename=self.filename, lastnodens=self.lastnodens, firstlineno=x.lineno) c_instrs.consts.append(self._class_init) c_instrs.instrs += [ f"LOAD {len(self.consts)-1}", f"LOAD ('')", "MKFUNC 0", # TODO: flags ] c_instrs.store('__init__') c_instrs.add(x.code) self.consts.append(c_instrs.compile().to_code()) self.lastnodens[1] = self.ns self.instrs += [ "LOAD_BUILD_CLASS", f"LOAD {len(self.consts)-1}", f"LOAD ('{cname}')", "MKFUNC 0", # TODO: flags? f"LOAD ('{cname}')", "CALL 2", ] self.store(name) @dispatch def add(self, x: ASTKeywordExprNode): if (x.keyword.keyword == 'import'): m = re.fullmatch(r'(?:(?:(\w+):)?(?:([\w./]+)/)?([\w.]+):)?([\w*]+)', x.value.identifier) assert (m is not None) namespace, path, pkg, name = m.groups() if (namespace is None): namespace = 'sl' if (path is None): path = '.' if (pkg is None): pkg = name if (namespace == 'py'): assert (path == '.') self.instrs += [ "LOAD (0)", # TODO "LOAD (())", # TODO f"IMPORT ({pkg})", ] if (name == '*'): self.instrs.append("IMPALL") else: if (name != pkg): self.instrs.append("IMPFROM") self.store(name) elif (namespace == 'sl'): pkg = pkg.replace('.', '/') filename = f"{os.path.join(path, pkg)}.sl" src = open(filename, 'r').read() tl = parse_string(src) ast = build_ast(tl, filename) if (x.flags.optimized): optimize_ast(ast, validate_ast(ast)) ns = validate_ast(ast) instrs = Instrs(name=filename, ns=ns, filename=filename) instrs.add(ast) code = instrs.compile().to_code() # TODO else: raise WTFException(namespace) elif (x.keyword.keyword == 'return'): self.load(x.value) self.instrs.append("RET") elif (x.keyword.keyword == 'delete'): self.delete(x.value) elif (x.keyword.keyword == 'break'): self.instrs.append("JF :end") else: raise NotImplementedError(x.keyword) @dispatch def add(self, x: ASTKeywordDefNode): name = x.name.identifier if (x.keyword.keyword == 'main'): code_ns = self.ns.derive(name) self.lastnodens[1] = code_ns f_instrs = Instrs(name=name, ns=code_ns, filename=self.filename, lastnodens=self.lastnodens, firstlineno=x.lineno) f_instrs.add(x.code) #dlog(f"{name} instrs:\n"+'\n'.join(f_instrs.instrs)+'\n') self.consts.append(f_instrs.compile().to_code()) self.lastnodens[1] = self.ns self.instrs += [ "LOAD (__name__)", "LOAD ('__main__')", "CMP (==)", "JFP :nomain", f"LOAD {len(self.consts)-1}", f"LOAD ('{name}')", "MKFUNC 0", "CALL 0", "POP", ":nomain", ] elif (x.keyword.keyword == 'init'): code_ns = self.ns.derive(name) self.lastnodens[1] = code_ns f_instrs = Instrs(name=name, argdefs=(self._self_argdef,), ns=code_ns, filename=self.filename, lastnodens=self.lastnodens, firstlineno=x.lineno) f_instrs.add(x.code) #dlog(f"{name} instrs:\n"+'\n'.join(f_instrs.instrs)+'\n') self.consts.append(f_instrs.compile().to_code()) self.lastnodens[1] = self.ns self.instrs += [ f"LOAD {len(self.consts)-1}", f"LOAD ('{name}')", "MKFUNC 0", ] self.store(name) elif (x.keyword.keyword == 'constr'): code_ns = self.ns.derive(name) self.ns.define(x, redefine=True) self.lastnodens[1] = code_ns name = f"" f_instrs = Instrs(name=name, ns=code_ns, filename=self.filename, argdefs=(self._self_argdef, *x.argdefs), lastnodens=self.lastnodens, firstlineno=x.lineno) f_instrs.add(x.code) #dlog(f"{name} instrs:\n"+'\n'.join(f_instrs.instrs)+'\n') self.consts.append(f_instrs.compile().to_code()) self.lastnodens[1] = self.ns self.instrs += [ f"LOAD {len(self.consts)-1}", f"LOAD ('{name}')", "MKFUNC 0", # TODO: flags ] self.store(name) else: raise NotImplementedError(x.keyword) @dispatch def add(self, x: ASTConditionalNode): self.load(x.condition) self.instrs.append("JFP :else") self.add(x.code) self.instrs += [ "JF :end", ":else", ":end", ] @dispatch def add(self, x: ASTForLoopNode): self.load(x.iterable) #self.cellvars.append(x.name.identifier) # TODO FIXME self.instrs += [ "ITER", ":for", "FOR :else", ] self.store(x.name) self.add(x.code) # TODO: stack effect (py38) self.instrs += [ "JA :for", ":else", ":end", ] @dispatch def add(self, x: ASTWhileLoopNode): self.instrs += [ ":while", ] self.load(x.condition) self.instrs.append("JFP :else") self.add(x.code) # TODO: stack effect (py38) self.instrs += [ "JA :while", ":else", ":end", ] @dispatch def add(self, x: ASTElseClauseNode): ii = -1 - self.instrs[-1].startswith('#line') assert (self.instrs.pop(ii) == ":end") self.add(x.code) # TODO: stack effect (py38) self.instrs.append(":end") @dispatch def load(self, x: ASTLiteralNode): self.instrs.append(f"LOAD ({x.literal})") @dispatch def load(self, x: ASTIdentifierNode): self.load(x.identifier) @dispatch def load(self, x: ASTListNode): for i in x.values: self.load(i) self.instrs.append(f"BUILD_LIST {len(x.values)}") @dispatch def load(self, x: ASTTupleNode): for i in x.values: self.load(i) self.instrs.append(f"BUILD_TUPLE {len(x.values)}") @dispatch def load(self, x: ASTValueNode): self.load(x.value) @dispatch def load(self, x: ASTFunccallNode): #if (isinstance(x.callable, ASTValueNode) and isinstance(x.callable.value, ASTIdentifierNode) and x.callable.value.identifier in self.ns.signatures and not isinstance(self.ns.signatures[x.callable.value.identifier], Class)): callarguments = CallArguments.build(x, self.ns) fsig = Signature.build(x.callable, self.ns) fcall = fsig.compatible_call(callarguments, self.ns) if (fcall is None): raise TODO(fcall) n = int() if (fcall[0] is not None): self.load(f"{fsig.name}({CallArguments(args=fcall[0], ns=self.ns)})") else: if (isinstance(x.callable.value, ASTAttrgetNode)): ofsig = Signature.build(x.callable.value.value, self.ns) if (type(ofsig) is Function): ofcall = ofsig.compatible_call(callarguments, self.ns) assert (ofcall is not None) self.load(fsig.name) self.load(f"{ofsig.name}({CallArguments(args=ofcall[0], ns=self.ns)})") n += 1 elif (type(ofsig) is stdlib.list): f = ofsig.attrops[x.callable.value.optype.special, x.callable.value.attr.identifier] self.load(f.name) self.load(x.callable.value.value) n += 1 elif (isinstance(fsig, stdlib.Builtin)): self.load(x.callable) else: raise NotImplementedError(ofsig) else: raise NotImplementedError(x.callable.value) for i in x.callargs.callargs: self.load(i) n += 1 if (x.callargs.starargs): if (n or len(x.callargs.starargs) > 1): self.instrs.append(f"BUILD_LIST {n}") for i in x.callargs.starargs: self.load(i) if (n or len(x.callargs.starargs) > 1): self.instrs.append("LIST_EXTEND 1") if (n or len(x.callargs.starargs) > 1): self.instrs.append("LIST_TO_TUPLE") n = 0 elif (x.callkwargs.starkwargs): self.instrs.append("BUILD_TUPLE {n}") n = 0 for i in x.callkwargs.callkwargs: self.load(f"'{i[0]}'") self.load(i[1]) n += 1 if (x.callkwargs.starkwargs): self.instrs.append(f"BUILD_MAP {n}") for i in x.callkwargs.starkwargs: self.load(i) self.instrs.append("DICT_MERGE 1") n = 1 self.instrs.append(f"CALL{'EX' if (x.callargs.starargs or x.callkwargs.starkwargs) else 'KW' if (x.callkwargs.callkwargs) else ''} {n}") @dispatch def load(self, x: ASTAttrgetNode): self.load(x.value) assert (x.optype.special == '.') # TODO self.instrs.append(f"GETATTR ({x.attr})") @dispatch def load(self, x: ASTUnaryExprNode): self.load(x.value) self.instrs.append(self.unopmap[x.operator.operator]) @dispatch def load(self, x: ASTBinaryExprNode): self.load(x.lvalue) char = isinstance(Signature.build(x.lvalue, self.ns), stdlib.char) if (char): self.instrs.append("CALL (ord) 1") if (x.operator.operator == 'xor'): self.instrs.append("BOOL") self.load(x.rvalue) if (char and isinstance(Signature.build(x.rvalue, self.ns), stdlib.char)): self.instrs.append("CALL (ord) 1") if (x.operator.operator == 'xor'): self.instrs.append("BOOL") if (x.operator.operator == 'to'): self.instrs.append("CALL (range) 2") else: self.instrs.append(f"CMP ({x.operator.operator})" if (x.operator.operator in dis.cmp_op) else self.binopmap[x.operator.operator]) if (x.operator.operator == 'xor'): self.instrs.append("BOOL") if (char and x.operator.operator not in logical_operators): self.instrs.append("CALL (chr) 1") @dispatch def load(self, x: ASTItemgetNode): self.load(x.value) self.load(x.key) self.instrs.append("SUBSCR") @dispatch def load(self, x: str): self.instrs.append(f"LOAD {f'${x}' if (x in self.cellvars) else f'<{x}>'}") @dispatch def load(self, x): self.instrs.append(f"LOAD_CONST ({repr(x)})") @dispatch def store(self, x: ASTIdentifierNode): self.store(x.identifier) @dispatch def store(self, x: str): self.instrs.append(f"STORE {f'${x}' if (x in self.cellvars) else f'<{x}>'}") @dispatch def delete(self, x: ASTIdentifierNode): self.delete(x.identifier) @dispatch def delete(self, x: str): self.instrs.append(f"DELETE {f'${x}' if (x in self.cellvars) else f'<{x}>'}") class PyssemblyCompiler(Compiler): ext = '.pyc' @classmethod def compile_ast(cls, ast, ns, *, filename): instrs = Instrs(name=filename, ns=ns, filename=filename) instrs.consts.append(code_with(compile(open(std.__file__).read(), '', 'exec'), name='stdlib')) instrs.instrs += [ f"LOAD {len(instrs.consts)-1}", "LOAD ('')", "MKFUNC 0", # TODO? "CALL", ] try: instrs.add(ast) except Exception as ex: raise SlCompilationError('Compilation error', instrs.lastnodens[0], scope=instrs.lastnodens[1].scope if (instrs.lastnodens[1] is not None) else '') from ex #dlog("Instrs:\n"+'\n'.join(instrs.instrs)+'\n') try: code = instrs.compile().to_code() #dis.show_code(code); dis.dis(code); print() code = pyssembly.asm(code) except pyssembly.PyssemblyError as ex: print('Error:', ex) try: code = ex.code.to_code() except pyssembly.PyssemblyError: pass else: print("\nHere is full pyssembly code 'til the errorneous line:\n") dis.dis(code) raise SlCompilationError('Pyssembly error', ast, scope=instrs.ns) from ex return code compiler = PyssemblyCompiler # by Sdore, 2020