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2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
# Slang lexer
from .tokens import *
def read_token(src, *, lineno, offset, lineoff):
(l, src), line = lstripcount(src[offset:], whitespace), src
offset += l
if (src[:1] in '\n;'): return (offset, None)
length = int()
for ii, i in enumerate(Token.types):
r = globals()['find_'+i.casefold()](src) or 0
if (isinstance(r, int) and r <= 0): length = max(length, -r); continue
n, s = r if (isinstance(r, tuple)) else (r, src[:r])
return (offset+n, Token(ii, s, lineno=lineno, offset=offset+lineoff))
else: raise SlSyntaxError("Invalid token", line, lineno=lineno, offset=offset+lineoff, length=length+l)
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
def parse_expr(src, *, lineno=1, lineoff=0):
r = list()
lines = src.count('\n')
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
offset = int()
continueln = False
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
while (True):
offset, tok = read_token(src, lineno=lines-src[offset:].count('\n')+lineno, offset=offset, lineoff=lineoff)
if (tok is None):
if (not continueln): break
continueln = False
offset += 1
lineoff = -offset
elif (continueln and tok.token[0] != '#'): raise SlSyntaxError("Expected newline or comment after line continuation", src, lineno=lines-src[offset:].count('\n')+lineno, offset=tok.offset, length=tok.length)
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
if (tok.token[0] != '#'): continueln = (tok.token == '\\' and tok.offset)
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
return offset, r
def parse_string(src, lnooff=0):
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
src = src.rstrip()
tl = list()
lines = src.count('\n')+lnooff
2019-08-28 21:24:54 +03:00
lineoff = int()
while (src):
offset, r = parse_expr(src, lineno=lines-src.count('\n')+1, lineoff=lineoff)
lineoff += offset
if (offset < len(src)):
if (src[offset] == '\n'): lineoff = int()
else: lineoff += 1
src = src[offset+1:]
return tl
# by Sdore, 2020