
218 lines
4.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// SBC
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "builtins.c"
#include "stack.c"
typedef uint8_t code_t;
enum {
// Standalone
NOP = 0x00,
END = 0x01,
POP = 0x02,
RET = 0x03,
BLTIN = 0x04,
CODE = 0x05,
// Unary
POS = 0x10,
NEG = 0x11,
NOT = 0x12,
INV = 0x13,
ATOI = 0x14,
ITOA = 0x15,
ITOF = 0x16,
CEIL = 0x17,
FLR = 0x18,
RND = 0x19,
CTOS = 0x1A,
// Binary
ADD = 0x20,
SUB = 0x21,
MUL = 0x22,
DIV = 0x23,
IDIV = 0x24,
MOD = 0x25,
POW = 0x26,
SHL = 0x27,
SHR = 0x28,
AND = 0x29,
OR = 0x2A,
XOR = 0x2B,
// Comparisons
EQ = 0x30,
NE = 0x31,
LT = 0x32,
GT = 0x33,
LE = 0x34,
GE = 0x35,
IS = 0x36,
ISNOT = 0x37,
// Flow control
IF = 0x40,
ELSE = 0x41,
EXEC = 0x42,
// With argument
ALLOC = 0xA0,
EXTEND = 0xA1,
CONST = 0xA2,
JUMPF = 0xA3,
JUMPB = 0xA4,
SCPGET = 0xA5,
SCPSET = 0xA6,
CALL = 0xA7,
HASARG = 0xA0,
atom_t exec(code_t* code, uint32_t codesize) { // TODO: freeing
stack_t* st = stack();
atom_t scp[255]; // TODO
code_t* cb[255]; // TODO
uint32_t cbi = 0;
uint32_t cp = 0;
while (cp < codesize) {
code_t opcode = code[cp++];
uint32_t ocp = cp;
switch (opcode) {
// Standalone
case NOP: break;
case END: break;
case POP: stack_pop(st); break;
case RET: return st->top->data;
case BLTIN: {
char name[256];
strncpy(name, (char*)code+cp, 255);
while (code[cp++] != '\0');
stack_push(st, (atom_t){.data = get_builtin(name)});
}; break;
case CODE: {
code_t* code_block = malloc(codesize);
static uint32_t cbp = 0;
uint32_t blocklvl = 1;
while (cp < codesize) {
code_t c = code[cp++];
if (c == CODE ||
c == IF ||
c == ELSE) blocklvl++;
else if (c == END) blocklvl--;
if (blocklvl <= 0) break;
code_block[cbp++] = c;
if (c > HASARG) code_block[cbp++] = code[cp++];
if (c == CONST)
for (uint8_t i = code_block[cbp-1]; i > 0; i--)
code_block[cbp++] = code[cp++];
else if (c == BLTIN)
do code_block[cbp++] = code[cp++];
while (code[cp-1] != '\0');
cb[cbi++] = realloc(code_block, cbp);
stack_push(st, (atom_t){u32, .u32 = &cbp});
stack_push(st, (atom_t){.data = &cb[cbi-1]});
}; break;
// Unary
case POS: *st->top->data.i32 = abs(*st->top->data.i32); break;
case ITOA: {
char s[12];
fprintf(stderr, "-- %x\n", *st->top->data.i32);
snprintf(s, sizeof(s)/sizeof(*s), "%d", *st->top->data.i32);
st->top-> = strdup(s);
}; break;
// Binary (TODO)
case ADD: *st->top->data.i32 += *stack_pop(st).i32; break;
case SUB: *st->top->data.i32 -= *stack_pop(st).i32; break;
// Comparisons
case LT: *st->top->data.b = *stack_pop(st).i32 > *st->top->data.i32; break;
// Flow control
case EXEC: {
uint32_t exec_codesize = *stack_pop(st).u32;
code_t* exec_code = stack_pop(st).data;
stack_push(st, exec(exec_code, exec_codesize));
}; break;
// With argument
case CONST: {
uint8_t len = code[cp++];
stack_push(st, (atom_t){.data = memcpy(malloc(len), code+cp, len)});
fprintf(stderr, "-- l=%02x: %x\n", len, *st->top->data.i32);
cp += len;
}; break;
case SCPGET: {
uint8_t cell = code[cp++];
stack_push(st, scp[cell]);
}; break;
case SCPSET: {
uint8_t cell = code[cp++];
scp[cell] = stack_pop(st);
fprintf(stderr, "-- c%d = %d\n", cell, *scp[cell].i32);
}; break;
case CALL: {
uint8_t nargs = code[cp++];
fprintf(stderr, "-- nargs=%d\n", nargs);
builtin_function func = stack_pop(st).data;
atom_t args[nargs];
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < nargs; i++)
args[i] = stack_pop(st);
stack_push(st, func(nargs, args));
}; break;
default: fprintf(stderr, "Not Implemented opcode: 0x%02x\n", opcode); exit(3);
fprintf(stderr, "[%02x", opcode);
if (opcode > HASARG) fprintf(stderr, "(%d|0x%02x)", code[ocp], code[ocp++]);
fputc(':', stderr);
do fprintf(stderr, " %02x", code[ocp++]);
while (ocp < cp && ocp < codesize);
if (st->top != NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, ", TOS = %u(0x%02x)", *st->top->data.i32, *st->top->data.i32);
if (isprint(*(char*)st->top-> {
fprintf(stderr, " | ");
for (char* p = st->top->; *p != '\0'; p++)
fputc(isprint(*p)?*p:'.', stderr);
fprintf(stderr, "]\n");
return (atom_t){.data = NULL};
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (argc != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <file.sbc>\n", basename(argv[0]));
FILE* fd = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
long fsize = ftell(fd);
fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
code_t code[fsize];
fread(code, sizeof(*code), fsize, fd);
exec(code, fsize);
// by Sdore, 2020